Outbreak of the COVID 19 pandemic has skyrocketed the purchase of various Personal Safety Equipment – PPE, especially Medical PPE. Among those, face-masks have particularly gained a clawing grip in the market. A variety of masks are available in the emporium of PPE products. But, with variety and choice comes confusion coupled with indecisiveness of purchase.
In this article I shall be lighting your path with the importance and types of masks available in the marketplace today. This will enable you to make a right choice that perfectly fits your need.

What is a face-mask?

Rated the top line of defense in the current unprecedented times, is the respiratory protection. This personal protective equipment includes face-masks. These come with a snug fit covering the nose, mouth and chin. The ear bands provide extra grip while the nose-pin neatly embedded in the mask ensures no open spaces for the contaminants to enter.

What are the different types of face-masks?

There are mainly three types of masks that need your attention:
1) Cotton Masks
2) Surgical Masks
3) N95 Masks (With or without a respirator)

Masks can be either disposable (one-time use) or reusable. In case of a re-usable masks, a proper protocol of washing as mentioned by the manufacturer must be followed to ensure negation of cross-contamination.

What is the importance of wearing a mask?

6 months into the pandemic the importance of masks has just heightened. Masks are not only essential for personal protection but it greatly curbs the spread of infection as well. They prevent droplet contaminants, aerosols and various other types of bacteria and viruses from entering the respiratory tract of the user.

How to wear a mask?
– Wash your hands with soap and water or clean them using a sanitizer before accessing the mask.
– Check the mask and ensure it is intact without tears or damages.
– Place the mask correctly determining the top and bottom carefully.
– Pinch the nose-pin to secure the mask in pace firmly.
– Ensure the mouth, nose is snuggly covered.
– Provide grip using the ear-bands or the mask-ties.
– Pull the mask down to cover your chin.

How to remove a mask?

– Wash your hands with soap and water or clean them using a sanitizer before accessing the mask.
– Remove the ear-bands or loosen the mask-ties carefully and pull the mask away from your face.
– In case of a disposable mask, discard the same in the PPE waste basket. In case of a re-usable mask, put it in the washer immediately.
– Wash your hands again with either soap and water or sanitize your hand with a sanitizer.

Where can I purchase a mask from?

It is every easy to procure masks these days. They are readily available on online stores at extremely competitive prices. So, make sure to compare prices before shortlisting a vendor. Here are a few tips you can keep in mind before making a purchase for your face-masks:
– Ensure it is a certified product.
– Considering the current pandemic times, always choose contactless delivery.
– Pick a reliable source to stay away from fraudulent material.
– Purchase as per need and do not hoard the masks.
– Do not re-use the disposable masks.
– Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines carefully.

To sum it up!

Personal safety is of the top priority. But, in case on a pandemic, ensuring safety of the entire humanity is a priority. Doing everything to curb the spread is the basic duty of every citizen. This duty cannot be fulfilled with unawareness. So, let aware | spread the knowledge | follow the protocol | wear a mask.
Stay Safe 😊

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